Daaaaaaan. . .
Pertengkaran antara si robot hijau dan si apel buntung pun tdk brhenti smpai d msing2 vend0rnyah, merambat ke si 0bjek pmakainya jugah s0darah di sbgian "pemakai" di end0nesyah. . .
Tanggung knp jg ga smpai sling sabotase, boikot dan sling perang nuklir dan sling mutilasi aja x ya biar BKRT itu vend0r,biar kaya di film2 gt dah, saling culik satu sma lain dn minta tebusan "tukeran d0ng henp0n nya,lu pke buah,gw pke r0b0t. Lw pke robot gw pke buah" "buang d0ng henp0n lw dan gnti pke henp0n ini kal0 s0darah/tmen lw mw slamat"
Dan aing bsa nya cma n0nt0n para lak0n plaku wayang golek itu yg sling serang antara sesama nyah smbil ngisam r0k0 jarc0k dan k0pi hitam smbil ngetik status empath ini serta baca apdet brita. . .
Assalaamu'alai kuum Sorry for bad english JANGAN LUPA SUBSCRIBE CHANNELS SAYA YA / PLEASE SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNELS How many devices running on Lollipop, and the average category of devices that obtain updates lollipop is a high-end devices, and this is very annoying, and probably for some users who still used a low-end device isnt getting it. even though it many custom rom running on lollipop, and I am very grateful to the developers (Sir Pawitp, Rutvik Rajagopal and others Dev) who have taken the time for the sake of availability Lollipop. but here isn't the intent to distribute lollipop or some port, but only slight modifications that are similar to lollipop, in this case is TW lollipop. Although in reality it is still far from original touchwiz lollipop stock rom this is just a hobby, I'm just a newbie and still learning, and not compete so a smart and ahead of my teachers. Once again, is not the intent disrespectful towards teachers and other develope...
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